The Prophecy saga is a story of people struggling, like the ducks taking liftoff from the lake and rising upward. The Prophecy's characters are constantly challenged, but they don’t give up, choosing instead to rise above their challenges and move forward.
Jerena Tobiasen - award-winning author of The Prophecy, a 3-volume, historical fiction saga including The Crest, The Emerald, and The Destiny - lives in Vancouver, Canada. If she’s not home, she’s likely travelling. Jerena’s latest novel – Tsarina’s Crown – is the beginning of another adventure: The Nightingale and Sparrow Chronicles.
Jerena embellishes her writing by travelling to foreign lands, visiting museums and libraries, conducting interviews, and travelling in the footsteps of her characters. Her experiences and discoveries enrich the authenticity of the historical fiction she crafts. In 2019, Jerena travelled extensively throughout southern Europe, northern Africa and the Arctic collecting data for her new series, which she wrote during the Covid ‘shut-down’. In June 2022 she and her assistant travelled throughout England and the Mediterranean to complete some last-minute research for The Nightingale and Sparrow Chronicles. Jerena also writes short stories, poetry, travel commentaries and an assortment of other writings some of which can be found on this site.